ENGINEERING: DIAGNOSTICS, SERVICING & REPAIRS The Marine Evolution Engineers specialise in all aspects of Marine specific mechanical and electrical Engineering. Years of experience and passion for the industry have culminated into a vast knowledge of onboard systems, engines and electronics. From our clients: “A true professional.” • Large Commercial Operations, Leisure vessels & Recreational watercraft. • Diagnostics/Fault finding. • Repower & Systems upgrades. • New installations/Refits. • Servicing: Engines, Gearboxes, Outdrives, Stern gear, Bow & Stern thrusters. • All repairs, replacements & maintenance needs. Please contact Evolution Marine to discuss your engineering requirements.
FINISHING & FIT-OUT: RESTORATION & BESPOKE MODIFICATIONS The Evolution Marine team are experienced in all levels of vessel restoration from wash downs and polishing to full pre-sale/ready-for-season preparations. From our clients: “Professional, friendly and top quality at everything.” • Cut & Polishing/Surface restoration. • Decontamination wash downs. • UV Wax and buff applications. • Pre-Sale preparation & Cleaning. • Teak & Composite deck restoration. • Bilge & Machinery space cleaning. • Bespoke fabrication. • Tailored Modifications. • Retro fit & Upgrades. • Advice & Troubleshooting. If a modification is required to meet your needs, from minor alterations to extensive upgrades, please contact the team for advice regarding our bespoke fit-out and fabrication services.
PLANNED MAINTENANCE & BOAT CARE Allow the trusted team at Evolution Marine to monitor and maintain your pride and joy. We can keep on top of the jobs you may be unable to attend (and the ones you’ve been putting off!) to ensure you don’t face costly rectifications from easily avoidable issues. Prevention is always better than cure. • General machinery servicing. • Stern gland packing & Shaft seals. • Winch/Windlass maintenance. • Greasing joints. • Hatch seals and Leak monitoring. • Anode replacement & Bonding checks. • Antifouling. • Propeller dressing. • Seacock and Skin fitting monitoring/repairs. • Fuel tank cleaning. • Fouling management. Evolution Marine now offer an incredible underwater inspection service that does not require diving and/or lift out! Please see the ‘Underwater Inspections’ section below.
SKIPPERING: SEATRIALS, DELIVERIES & TUITON The Evolution Marine team combined have over 30 years of seafaring experience and can cater to all requirements. Please contact the team to discuss your needs, whether it’s a second pair of experienced hands or highly qualified Skipper and Crew. Bespoke tuition packages are available. From our clients: “One of the best [skippers] around the area, very patient, experienced and a very nice chap.” RYA/MCA Qualified, insured and experienced Skipper and crew available for Leisure & Commercial purposes including but not limited to; • Vessel relocations (local and international). • Attendance for lift out, refuelling, launches. • Post-purchase/sale collections & deliveries (by sea or road). • Sea trials (please see Surveys section). • Workboat and crew hire/towing. • Tuition for first time boat owners and advanced seafarers. • Introduction to boating & Confidence building. • Vessel & Systems familiarisation. • Mooring/berthing assistance. • Pre-departure checks & Safety at sea. • Own Boat skippering techniques & manoeuvring. • Local knowledge & Passage planning. • Preparation for qualifications.
SURVEYS: DEFECT REPORTS & INSPECTIONS Evolution Marine work alongside Blue Peninsula Marine Ltd to offer the most extensive range of marine Surveying and inspection services. From in-depth written survey reports to defect only reporting we have the knowledge and experience to advise you. • Engineering and Systems Inspections/Reporting. • Defect only reporting, follow-up and maintenance schedules. • Comprehensive sea trials. • Damage, repair and rebuild consultancy. • Pre-purchase condition surveys. • Insurance & Valuation. • MCA code compliance/Commercial surveying. • Claim investigation. • Expert witness services. • Mediation and consultancy. Chief Surveyor and Director of Blue Peninsula Marine Ltd: Richard Linford sits on the MCA working groups that developed the Codes of Practice from their inception in 1993 to current updates. He also lectures on the University of Plymouth's well-respected Small Craft Surveying course and is a committee member of the IMarEST Small Ships Group, MECAL Technical Committee, MCA High Speed Craft working group and lead negotiator for the Professional Boatman’s Association.
PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSULTANCY New builds, Refits and Repair projects all require an experienced and critical eye to ensure they meet owner expectations and planned outcomes for the vessel or business. Evolution Marine have a proven track record of excellent results managing various projects from conception to completion. • Damage rectification planning & consultation. • Critical systems & engine installations/testing. • New build/Refit planning & consultation. • Planning and monitoring maintenance. • Safety and sustainability aspects. • Manufacturer recommendations. • Committed & present providing trusted communication.
FUEL POLISHING Keeping your fuel systems trouble free is critical to avoid costly damages and unsafe operating conditions. The Evolution Marine team are experienced and have a professional fuel polishing system available to rectify all fuel related issues. IMPORTANT: If you believe there has been an accidental introduction of an incorrect fluid to your fuel (or other) system (petrol in to diesel/water into fuel filler/etc) please call Evolution Marine as soon as possible and do not attempt to run any systems fed by the contaminated fuel. • Aged fuel polishing and cleaning. • Diesel bug removal. • Performance treatments. • Sediment issues. • Water ingress issues. • Fuel leaks. • Decontamination.
EMERGENCY BREAKDOWNS Evolution Marine are a registered operator for Sea Start. Please call us in your hour of need and we will strive to diagnose your issue using our experience and knowledge without attendance if possible. If you require further assistance we are here to help with qualified skipper, crew and operational workboat fleet. • Friendly, no-fee over the phone advice. • Vessel towing & recovery. • Call out diagnostics & repairs. • Attendance outside standard operating hours. Please phone 07530007343 for urgent assistance and do not use the website contact form. If there is an emergency situation requiring medical intervention please phone 999 and request the Coastguard immediately.